Why is SuperOne on the blockchain? The benefits of tech for affiliates and gamers

Oliver Brett
3 min readJul 28, 2020


Blog for SuperOne assessing the value of blockchain for a gaming start-up

During the dramatic rise, fall and eventual renaissance of Bitcoin as a speculative asset, a lot of the focus within the cryptocurrency community has gradually moved towards establishing real applications for the technology behind it: blockchain.

You’ll probably have a reasonable understanding of what blockchain is. If you don’t — and without going into all the stuff about people on computers racing to unlock a box to claim a reward — a blockchain is simply an immutable and mutually distributed verified ledger.

It allows digital information to be distributed, but never copied or altered. Each individual piece of data can only have one owner.

If you take the same sensible precautions you would with the rest of your digital data, blockchain also allows your crypto to be stored and transferred securely.

The unwieldy alternatives to blockchain

SuperOne, a new mobile gaming platform, has chosen to use affiliate marketing to raise funds ahead of its launch. It doesn’t HAVE to use blockchain. There are ways to distribute commissions, tokens, packages, gaming credits and so on through fiat currency.

But that would create a lot of problems. Frankly, it would be hellishly complicated, prone to error, and you’d be faced with the issue of having to pay every member of a huge global community in a chosen fiat currency (probably the US dollar) that might favour some over others.

If SuperOne paid out in US dollars, on the other hand, many affiliate partners would have to pay expensive commissions to exchange dollars into their own fiat currencies with all the downside of exchange rates.

One of the huge benefits of using blockchain is to avoid all this inconvenience, hassle and uncertainty. But it’s still important to choose the right coin.

Ripple’s token, known as XRP, is the crypto of choice for the new SuperOne platform because it is incredibly fast, and has very low transaction fees. You can easily move funds into Bitcoin, fiat or other cryptos without incurring major costs.

It is also built for streamlined, rapid and complex payment processes. If the SuperOne community could build their own cryptocurrency from scratch, they would probably end up producing something like Ripple.

The main idea of Ripple was to create a system of direct asset transfers in real-time which would be cheaper, more transparent, and secure than even the most sophisticated fiat payment methods, such as SWIFT. Think of it as a super slimmed-down, agile version of Bitcoin, if you like.

By choosing on the one hand to use a bespoke, private, enterprise-grade blockchain — and on the other to make Ripple the payment unit of choice — SuperOne has inherent advantages. It has the ability to scale quickly while ensuring the payment and rewards structure remains robust.

And when the game launches, featuring a big range of cash prizes, Ripple and the SuperOne blockchain, will be perfectly positioned to deal with the intricacies of collecting entry fees and paying out the winners accordingly.

With crypto enjoying its second wave, blockchain is the perfect partner for the youth-oriented mobile gaming world.

The blockchain ensures affiliate partners get paid the RIGHT commission QUICKLY as soon as they qualify for it. It also ensures prizes are distributed to game winners ACCURATELY and EFFECTIVELY. And it gives SuperOne’s developers and tech team peace of mind, knowing they can concentrate on making the rest of the platform as slick as possible while the pay outs automatically get whizzed out to the affiliate community 24 hours a day. It’s a neat way of running a business!



Oliver Brett

Senior copywriter, content editor, blogger, broadcaster and social media creator. Web3 specialist. Using MEDIUM to showcase the best of my work.